BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Research-Campus MODAL


The German Operations Research Society (GOR) awards every year a price for outstanding dissertations in the field of Operations Research. The prize is sponsored by Siemens AG, and handed over at the society’s annual meeting, which in this year was organized by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Science and the Faculty of Business and Economics at TU...
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Sebastian Schenker successfully defended his dissertation on “Multicriteria Linear Optimisation with Applications in Sustainable Manufacturing”. The thesis originates from project A5 Multicriteria Optimisation” of the Collaborative Research Center 1026 “Sustainable Manufacturing”,  which was later extended as project “MI 9: Solving multi-objective integer programs” by Berlin’s Mathematics Research Center Matheon. Balancing contradicting objectives such as cost...
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Representatives of the nine BMBF Forschungscampi met on October 8/9 on the occassion of the 6th workshop of the funding initiative at the research campus ARENA 2036 in Stuttgart.This time the topic was “Successful with start-ups and SMEs”.After an introduction by host Peter Fröschle and BMBF’s Division Head Dr. Otto Bode, the participants exchanged their...
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Im Rahmen des Forschungscampus MODAL arbeitet die Open Grid Europe GmbH ( zusammen mit Forschern vom Zuse-Institut Berlin an der Entwicklung eines Navigationssystems für Dispatcher. Gleich zwei wichtige Meilensteine wurden im Projekt jetzt erreicht: Die Integration des Dispatcher-Navigationssystems in die produktive Datenversorgung wurde durch einen erfolgreichen Abnahmetest abgeschlossen. Damit startet das Projekt ab Oktober wie...
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1900 schoolchildren of the 2nd to 6th grade and thus 200 more than last year participated from 07.-11. September at this year’s Children’s University of Freie Universität Berlin. The classes come from 78 schools of all twelve districts of Berlin and the surrounding countryside. They can try out experiments, lectures and group work as young...
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At the Meeting of the Japanese OR Society in Hiroshima Yuji Shinano was awarded the 2019 Research Award of the Japanese Operations Research Society. Yuji Shinano is working in the SynLab of the Research Campus MODAL on massively parallel solvers that are able to solve previsouly unsolvable instances of Integer Optimization Problems. Congratulations! Link to...
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The research campus MODAL presented the results of its first funding phase from 2014-2019 at an inspection. By means of several demonstrators, that were exhibited in MODAL’s Transparent Lab, the two evaluators Prof. Dr. Andreas Schuppert and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trottenberg and the representatives of the Project Management DESY Nadja Häbe and of the Project...
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Felix Prause and his team ZIB won the first place at the 11th annual AIMMS-MOPTA Modeling Competition under the supervision of Kai Hoppmann and Prof. Thorsten Koch. Felix was honored in the context of the MOPTA conference, which took place on August 14.-16. in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA. The aim of the competition is to attract...
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Every year, the “International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research” hands out an award for the best paper for which a PhD Student did the majority of the work. This year, the award went to Jakob Witzig from ZIB, who works in the SynLab of the Research Campus MODAL. The awarded work results...
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Kai Hoppmann, who is working in the GasLab of the research campus MODAL, was able to get ahead of the very strong competation at the 71st Science Slam Berlin in SO36 on 06.05.2019. At this great, informative event researchers from a variety of disciplines each gave 10-minute presentations about their own results. Besides fracking or...
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