Honorary award for the former president of ZIB Martin Grötschel receives the Cantor Medal of the German Mathematicians’ Association (DMV) for 2021, as decided recently by the DMV’s executive committee in Berlin. The Cantor Medal is the most important scientific award of the DMV. It is usually awarded every two years. Martin Grötschel steered the...Read More
Forum Junge Spitzenforscher is a multidisciplinary science competition where young researchers get the chance to present their innovative and practice-oriented ideas. The seventh edition of the event was hosted by the Stiftung Industrieforschung and theHumboldt-Innovation GmbH in cooperation with the universities of Berlin. The topic of this year’s competition was artificial intelligence. At the virtual...Read More
Am 29. September fand der weltweit bedeutendeste Wettbewerb für Operations Research und Analytics statt, in diesem Jahr aufgrund der Covid-Pandemie online. Fünf Finalisten präsentierten herausragende Analytics und O.R. Vorzeigeprojekte mit signifikanten wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen auf der ganzen Welt: • Carnival Corporation & PLC. Carnival & PLC hat Yield Optimization and Demand Analytics (YODA) entwickelt, ein...Read More
The Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS) is an international forum for researchers in the area of optimization methods and algorithms to facilitate planning and operational management of freight and passenger transportation and traffic. It is colocated with ALGO 2020 and took place as an online virtual conference hosted by...Read More
Ab Ovo joins MobilityLab and collaborates with Zuse-Institute Berlin (ZIB ) in the second phase of the BMBF-funded Research Campus MODAL – Mathematical Optimization and Data Analysis Laboratories. Research where Industry Expertise meets state-of-the-art mathematical optimization. Read more about the collaboration and research: https://lnkd.in/e_kZwJA Zuse-Institute Berlin (ZIB) and Ab Ovo Deutschland GmbH, headquartered in Düsseldorf,...Read More
Am 3. April 2020 erhielt der Forschungscampus MODAL den Förderbescheid für seine zweite Förderperiode von 2020 bis 2025 mit einem Fördervolumen von 10 Millionen Euro durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und einem noch darüber hinausgehendem Fördervolumen durch industrielle Partner. Der Forschungscampus MODAL ist eine öffentlich-private Partnerschaft für Innovation, die das ZIB und...Read More
In cooperation with Open Grid Europe and LBW Optimization the team of the MODAL GasLab was selected for the 2020 finals of the Innovative Applications in Analytics Award (IAAA) 2020. The award recognizes creative and unique application of a combination of analytical techniques in new areas. The MODAL GasLab will compete in a multi-national slate...Read More
The research campuses are in the transition period for interim evaluations for a second funding phase. The actors of the research campuses will present how they are mastering these challenges and how they are using the scope for shaping them in a strategic partnership between science and industry to further ambitiously shape the “Research Campus”...Read More
Team Deutsche Bahn has advanced to the finals of the 2020 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award Competition, the most prestigious international Operations Research Competition. The final winner will be chosen from the six finalists Amazon, Carnival, Deutsche Bahn, IBM, Intel, and Walmar at the INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics and Operations Research in Denver, CO on April...Read More
Within the MODAL research campus, ZIB together with 1000shapes participated at the Large Scale Vertebrae Segmentation Challenge VerSe 2019. A combined approach of machine learning using CNNs and shape modeling led to a promising result for automated segmentation and classification of vertebral bodies from CT data. Picture: Presenters and organizers of the challenge, from left to right:...Read More