Every year, the German Association of OP-Managers (VOPM) organizes a congress in Bremen on the subject of surgery management. In their talk “OP-Software 4.0”, Joachim Gerst (Charité Berlin) and Alexander Tesch (ZIB) jointly presented the current situation, challenges and solutions for next-generation of surgery scheduling software. An essential aspect here is computer-aided planning. In the...Read More
The nine campi of the funding initiative “Research Campus – Public Private Partnership for Innovation” of the Federal Ministry for Education and Reseach met for their 5th Workshop in Jena. The event was hosted by the research campus Infectognostics in its Center for Applied Research. Guided by the topic of the meeting was “Research Campi –...Read More
Eine Delegation des Zuse-Instituts Berlin und von Open Grid Europe besuchte das Yokohama Research Laboratory der Hitachi Ltd. im Rahmen einer Reise nach Japan zum 4. Internationalen ISM-ZIB-IMI MODAL-Workshop über Mathematische Optimierung und Datenanalyse. Neben der Präsentation von Forschungsthemen bei Hitachi in den Bereichen Lieferkettenoptimierung und Wassernetzwerkoptimierung war die Präsentation der neuesten Ergebnisse im Bereich...Read More
People from Zuse Institute Berlin and Open Grid Europe who came to Japan for the 4th International ISM-ZIB-IMI MODAL Workshop stopped at Preferred Networks, gave talks, and discussed with the Preferred Networks engineers. IT was a great time to exchange information across mathematical optimization and machine learning! Link zum PN Tweet: https://twitter.com/PreferredNet/status/1111115117536530432 Link zum Workshop:...Read More
Der vierte internationale Workshop über Mathematische Optimierung und Datenanalyse wurde vom Institut für Statistische Mathematik (ISM), dem Zuse-Institut Berlin (ZIB) und dem Institut für Industriemathematik (IMI) der Kyushu-Universität durchgeführt. Unter dem Vorsitz von Satoshi Ito, Thorsten Koch und Yuji Shinano fand die Tagung vom 25. bis 27. März in den Räumen des ISM in Tachikawa,...Read More
▪ THE DIGITAL FUTURE CONFERENCE 2019 ▪ Tuesday, 14 May 2019 The digital revolution is changing our world, opening up new possibilities, offering novel opportunities, and posing a multitude of new challenges to interdisciplinary research. In cooperation with Tagesspiegel and further partners from academia, industry, and media, the Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ and the...Read More
Isabel Beckenbach successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis on “Matchings and Flows in Hypergraphs”. Isabel is a member of the Mathematics of Transportation and Logistics Group and working in the RailLab@Research Campus MODAL on the optimization of railway vehicle rotations for the ICE high speed trains of Deutsche Bahn. Hypergraph models are convenient to deal with...Read More
This year’s status seminar of the BMBF Mathematics Program took place on 19 and 20 November at the Maritim Hotel in Bonn. Twenty-one projects in the two funding lines “Healthy Living” and “Energy Turnaround” presented their results. This year, the focus was on the application perspective. The collaborative research initiative IBOSS (Information Based Optimization of...Read More
The first joint IBOSS-ECMath workshop on optimization methods in healthcare took place on 18.-19. October 2018 at the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB). It was organized and supported by ECMath and the MODAL AG. The research project Information-Based Optimization of Surgery Schedules (IBOSS) aims at developing fast algorithms to optimize for more efficient resource utilization in...Read More
Die zentrale Fragestellung des Workshops war die Identifikation von Themen und Technologien, die als Treiber für Innovationen dienen können. Hierbei lag der Focus klar auf der Verbindung von High-Performance Computing mit modernsten Algorithmen für maschinelles Lernen und Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der Verwendung komplexer Daten. Veranstaltungsort: National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokio, Japan Datum: 26.09.-01.10.2018 Zeit:...Read More