On September 19, 2018 Research Campus MODAL hosted the BMBF workshop “Complementary Objectives: Innovation Needs Professionals”. The event focused on the exchange of experience among the research campuses. The participants of the workshop discussed various opportunities to support young scientists to develop high skilled professionals of tomorrow. At the same time, young scientists from all...Read More
The 18th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS) is an annual event that aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are interested in all aspects of algorithmic methods and models for transportation optimization; it is part of the ALGO conference cluster. This year, ATMOS took place on August 23...Read More
19.09.2018 Am 19. September 2018 findet im Hörsaal des ZIB der 1. Forschungscampus Science Slam statt, bei dem Nachwuchskräfte aus den Forschungscampi spannende Einblicke in ihre Ergebnisse geben. Seien Sie dabei, wenn sich Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler aus deutschlandweit neun Forschungscampi in einem spannenden Science Slam in Berlin-Dahlem miteinander messen! Ob Medizin, Produktion, Energiewende oder Mathematik...Read More
The Zuse Institute Berlin bids farewell to the participants of this year’s G-RIPS program. Eleven students from the USA and Europe have been at Zuse Institute for two months since June, 25 to work in three teams with one of the following cooperation partners of the MODAL research campus, respectively: 1000Shapes GmbH, DB Fernverkehr AG...Read More
Mats Olthoff and his MODAL RailLab team finished 2nd place at the 10th Annual AIMMS MOPTA Optimization Modeling Competition. He was awarded during the MOPTA conference held on August 15-17 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA. The competition is designed to attract young researchers from around the world to the field of combinatorial optimization. Hence, it was...Read More
The MODAL RailLab Team of this year’s G-RIPS summer internship program visited the DB Fernverkehr maintenance facilities in Rummelsburg on Thursday, July 12. G-RIPS stands for Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects for Students and is organized by the Research Campus MODAL at Zuse-Institute Berlin in cooperation with the Institute für Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM)...Read More
On May 07, 2018, Stefan Heinz, formerly at ZIB’s Mathematical Optimization Methods group, and now with FICO, a partner in MODAL’s SynLab, defended his thesis “Presolving Techniques and linear relaxations for cumulative scheduling” at Technical University of Berlin in front of a very large audience of collaborators, colleagues, and friends. The thesis develops a hybird...Read More
Das BMBF hat ein neues Internetportal für die Förderinitiative „Forschungscampus – öffentlich-private Partnerschaft für Innovationen“ veröffentlicht, das unter der Adresse > http://www.forschungscampus.bmbf.de aufgerufen werden kann. Dort werden unser Forschungscampus MODAL und die acht weiteren Forschungscampi sowie die Förderinitiative vorgestellt und künftig Informationen zu aktuellen Terminen, Pressemitteilungen und besonderen Highlights der Forschungscampi veröffentlicht.Read More
The German Association of OP Management (VOPM) convenes every year for its annual meeting in Bremen to present and discuss the latest developments on the interface of medicine, organization, and human resource management. In this year, VOPM invited the project “IBOSS – Information-Based Optimization of Surgery Schedules” to give a talk about the “Optimization of...Read More
A new “Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry” is available in the International Series in Operations Research & Management Science by Springer. Edited by Ralf Borndörfer, Torsten Klug, Leonardo Lamorgese, Carlo Mannino, Markus Reuther and Thomas Schlechte, the book provides an overview of the state-of-the art in railway optimization. With thirteen contributions from leading...Read More