BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Research-Campus MODAL



Cantor medal for Martin Grötschel

Honorary award for the former president of ZIB Martin Grötschel receives the Cantor Medal of the German Mathematicians’ Association (DMV) for 2021, as decided recently by the DMV’s executive committee in Berlin. The Cantor Medal is the most important scientific award of the DMV. It is usually awarded every two years. Martin Grötschel steered the development of ZIB for decades, since 1992 as Vice President and from 2012 to 2015 as President. His main research areas include Mathematical Optimization, Discrete...
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Kai Hoppmann-Baum and Jaap Pedersen finish second at Forum Junge Spitzenforscher 2020 – Artificial Intelligence

Forum Junge Spitzenforscher is a multidisciplinary science competition where young researchers get the chance to present their innovative and practice-oriented ideas. The seventh edition of the event was hosted by the Stiftung Industrieforschung and theHumboldt-Innovation GmbH in cooperation with the universities of Berlin. The topic of this year’s competition was artificial intelligence. At the virtual closing event on November 18th, six out of more than 50 applications were selected to present theirprojects in front of an expert jury.The second prize...
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MODAL MobilityLab im Finale des INFORMS Franz Edelman Award Wettbewerbs 2020

Am 29. September fand der weltweit bedeutendeste Wettbewerb für Operations Research und Analytics statt, in diesem Jahr aufgrund der Covid-Pandemie online. Fünf Finalisten präsentierten herausragende Analytics und O.R. Vorzeigeprojekte mit signifikanten wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen auf der ganzen Welt: • Carnival Corporation & PLC. Carnival & PLC hat Yield Optimization and Demand Analytics (YODA) entwickelt, ein innovatives Programm, das fortschrittliche Analysen und Algorithmen verwendet, um dynamische Preisempfehlungen mit einer Resourcenallokation zu kombinieren. • Deutsche Bahn. Das größte europäische Eisenbahnunternehmen arbeitet unter anderem...
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