BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Research-Campus MODAL

G-RIPS - How to apply

G-RIPS Application

Who can apply?

Eligible applicants include master and PhD students from the areas of mathematics, computer or natural sciences who are currently enrolled at an European university. Due to the large number of applications we typically receive, we do not accept applications from previous RIPS or G-RIPS students.

How to apply

Please use our application platform which can be found here: (use the “Apply for the job” button at the bottom of the page)

You will need the following documents :

  1. motivation letter,
  2. resume,
  3. an academic record or transcript (unofficial).

Further, one or two letter(s) of recommendation needs to be send to this email address directly by the person who wrote that letter: grips(at)forschungscampus-berlin(dot)de