MODAL conducts research that harnesses digital transformation for commercially relevant innovations. The focus lies on mathematical research for data-intensive modeling, simulation and optimization of complex processes in the fields of energy, health, mobility and communication.
The development of digital decision support systems makes cross-technology progress possible and decisively advance innovation processes in our partner companies. Previous achievements include e.g. the solution of previously insurmountable planning and control problems for pan-German supply and transport networks or the precise early diagnosis of diseases.
MODAL is a public-private partnership project of the research partners Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) and Freie Universität Berlin (FU) with 15 industrial partners, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the “Research Campus – Public-Private Partnership for Innovation” funding initiative. The research campus is hosted by ZIB, located at the campus of the FU in Berlin, and currently hosts about 60 researchers.